Leveraging Common Connections for Marketing

Marketing is to create visibility of a product or service to potential customers who would be benefited from using it.

The product /service can solve pain or help with reaching aspirational goals of potential clients.

To market we have to find out where the potential customer is.

To catch a Tuna we have to go where the Tuna is.

To catch a Salmon we have to go to where the Salmon is.

We would not cast net on road to get fish; we would cast net in sea or river. The same is true for marketing in terms of targeting proper channels.

Now what if my potential client is hard to reach?

As for example let’s say my potential customer Samantha is a professional women high in career ladder -overwhelmed with career and home responsibilities.

She is so overwhelmed that she does not go for networking.

To get access to her one good idea would be to find common connections between Samantha and me. The common connector could be her accountant, banker, hair stylist, even her spouse.

The connector may be someone who knows a lot of people and who likes to introduce people for mutually beneficial purposes.

I found that idea of leveraging common connection very useful.

Hope you will find that useful too.